
Okinawa Hawai'i OEWS

The Okinawa Hawai'i Ocean Energy Workshops have their own homepage. Visit for details on attending the next Ocean Energy Workshop.

Okinawa Prefecture

Okinawa Prefecture is the sponsor organization for this website and the OTEC Demonstration facility on Kume Island.


The Global Ocean reSource and Energy Association is a combination of academic, governmental, and private sector entities working together to efficiently utilize ocean resources to create renewable energy and related industries. Visit the website for more information in English and Japanese.

Okinawa Deep Sea Water Research Center(jp)

The Okinawa Prevecture Deep Sea Water Research Center has been in operation since 2000 on Kume Island. OTEC Okinawa is located on the ODRC's grounds.

Institute of Ocean Energy

The insitue of Ocean Energy at Saga University has been instrumental in the design and reasearch of OTEC systems at the demonstration facility. They continue to advise the project and have installed a Satellite facility to research and demonstrate flash evaporation desalniation utilizing raw surface and deep seawater.

Xenesys Inc.

Xenesys Inc. is a leader in heat exhcange technology and is one of three companies contracted to operate and build the facility.

Kumejima Town (jp)

Kumejima Town's official website in Japanese. The OTEC facility is located on Kumejima.

OTEC Foundation

The OTEC foundation is a non-profit organization promoting communication and education among OTEC industries and the public. There is no official relationship with OTEC Okinawa.

Current Surface Seawater Temperature


Current Deep Seawater Temperature


(Updated 12/17/2024)

©2013-2024 Okinawa Prefecture.