Details on the Status of Implementation

In Okinawa Prefecture "Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Power Generation Demonstration Test Equipment Maintenance and Management Operations" (FY2019-2020), we are supporthing the following research, development, and demonstration by external organizations.

Acceptance of training for SATREPS "Development of Advanced Hybrid Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Technology for Low Carbon Society and Sustainable Energy System: First Experimental OTEC Plant of Malaysia” (FY2019- 2024)

Saga University is participating in the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) "Development of Advanced Hybrid Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Technology for Low Carbon Society and Sustainable Energy System: First Experimental OTEC Plant of Malaysia," which was adopted as one of the "Research on Advanced Energy Systems for the Realization of Low-carbon Society" in the International Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development Research Area of the National Science and Technology Agency's Japan Science and Technology Agency. As part of this, researchers and university students in Malaysia were trained in driving and analysis methods by Saga University and related parties using the OTEC Power Generation Demonstration Test Facility (November 2019).

Use of Post-OTEC Seawater for Kumejima Town “OTEC Power Generation and Post-OTEC Combined Seawater Use Demonstration Work" (FY2019-2020)

"Acquisition of knowledge and know-how in local government regarding OTEC power generation and the combined use of seawater after power generation." Kumejima Town plans to continue to promote the expansion of deep seawater use industries and the sophistication of combined use. We are conducting demonstrations using this facility to acquire knowledge and know-how based on the above assumption. Specifically, the following private companies will conduct tests. Upon receiving the implementation status report, Kumejima Town will accumulate knowledge and know-how on OTEC generation and combined use of post-OTEC seawater and will use it to create and promote industries in the future.

  • - Long-term performance of OTEC power generation (seawater fouling, corrosion, pressure resistance measures, etc.): Xenesys Inc.
  • - Demonstration of the use of post-OTEC seawater for sea grape farming: Kumejima Deep Seawater Development Co., Ltd.
  • - Demonstration of post-OTEC seawater use for oyster land aquaculture: GO Farm Inc.

Contents of Completed Projects

For the contents of demonstration, examination, and survey of Okinawa Prefecture’s “Demonstration Project of Power Generation Used for Advanced Deep Seawater Utilization" (FY2013-2018) and Okinawa Prefecture “Demonstration Project for Advanced Combined Use of Post-OTEC Power Generation Seawater Use” (FY2016-2018), please refer to the following report.

Okinawa Prefecture “Demonstration Project of Power Generation Used for Advanced Deep Seawater Utilization and Demonstration Project for Advanced Combined Use of Post-OTEC Power Generation Seawater Use” Report (in Japanese)

Current Surface Seawater Temperature


Current Deep Seawater Temperature


(Updated 12/17/2024)

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