- Welcome to AloHaisai. The staff blog of the Okinawa Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Demonstration Facility on Kume Island. Join us for news about Kume Island and the Demonstration facility in English and Japanese.
- Indonesian Delegation to OTEC Okinawa に GOSEA(日本語) より
- Indonesian Delegation to OTEC Okinawa に GOSEA より
- Kume Island Selected for Ocean Research Area に Mohamed Natar Bin Mo より
- ハワイのコナワエナ高校生が見学に来ました に New Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Plant in Hawaii | AloHaisai より
- 久米島海洋深層水の日 Sea Water Dream フェス開催! に 2015 Deep Seawater Dream Festival | AloHaisai より
月別アーカイブ: 2017年7月
Saga and Kumejima Exchange Class: Ocean Energy and OTEC
On July 18, 2017 students from West Yamashiro in Imari City, Saga, and Nakazato Elementary from Kumejima, Okin … 続きを読む
8th Ocean Energy and Economic Development Symposium
This past June 23-24, Hawaii State and Hawaii County hosted the 8th Ocean Energy and Economic Development Symp … 続きを読む