2016 Deep Seawater Festival

IMG_9024Kumejima’s deep seawater pipelines bring water from a depth of 612 meters, so every year Kumejima celebrates with the Deep Seawater Festival on or about June 12. This year’s festival was rescheduled to June 18 after significant thunderstorms made the original day untenable.

This year, the festival took place outside the new “Ryukyu Comsme House – Kumejima” building beside the Point Pyuru Cosmetics Factory. The new 4-story building houses store, museum, and social spaces.

This year’s event featured local music and performances, soba, the a long-run Mozuku slide, the new PICO OTEC demonstration, and a Oyster Calligraphy Competition.

IMG_9060The GO FARM (General Oyster Farm) company hosted a local calligraphy teacher with a competition for participants to write the Japanese word for “oyster” in kanji or hiragana symbols using ink made with deep seawater (provided by a local bottling company). Five participants in the morning and afternoon were selected by various officials for prizes.

This year we were also happy to participate with demonstrations of the new PICO OTEC demonstrator. This small-scale OTEC apparatus allowed visitors to see a working fluid boil in a glass heat exchanger and then expand through a turbine.


Visitors were also treated to discounted cosmetics from the grand opening of the Ryukyu Cosme House Kumejima Store, free massages, and free Tuna Rice Bowls. Though the day turned out to be very warm, this year’s event was a success. We look forward to even more fun next year.

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Sea Water Dream フェスティバル


今年の会場は、海洋深層水を利用する化粧品製造メーカーであるポイントピュール社の新社屋にて行われました。4階建ての新社屋には、ポイントピュール社の直営店舗である琉球コスメハウス 久米島店を始め、展示スペース、社交スペースが設けられています。




また、琉球コスメハウス 久米島店の新装開店に伴い、化粧品の割引や無料マッサージ、マグロ丼が無料で振舞われる等、参加者にはうれしい特典が盛り沢山でした。


カテゴリー: English, Japanese タグ: , , , , パーマリンク