久米島から持ち運んだ海洋温度差発電モデルでは、表層水と深層水をイメージした赤色の温水と青色の冷水を使って、低沸点の物質を蒸発、凝縮させることで、タービンが実際に回転する様子を見ていただきました。 3日間の来場者総数は24万人を超える盛況ぶりで、家族連れや企業の方など、多くの方に発電のしくみや久米島の取り組みの概要を説明することができました。 ご来場いただいた皆様、ありがとうございました。
40th Okinawa Industrial Festival

The 40th Okinawa Industry Festival Was held in Naha, Okinawa Prefecture on October 21 (Friday) to 23 (Sunday). This year, a special exhibition, the “marine industry special exhibition” showcased marine industrial activities throughout Okinawa Prefecture, including a stand from GOSEA at which we introduced Deep Seawater Use, OTEC, and the “Kumejima Model.” Staged in the Budokan stadium, the full range of Okinawan industries were showcased. Marine industries were further highlighted through a quiz rally that encouraged visitors to seek out information at a variety of booths in order to complete a quiz sheet.
This event also marked the outside-Kumejima debut of our PICO OTEC model, a small scale OTEC demonstration unit that allows the general public to see inside the workings of an OTEC plant, including an operational turbine. The small model runs with the use of prepared hot and cold water.
Don’t forget that the International Environmental Energy Symposium will be taking place soon. Click the picture below for more information.