








海洋立島宣言 「地球上のすべての生命は「海」から始まったといわれています。我々は、いのちの原点である、母なる“海”をいま一度みつめなおすとともに、全ての英知を結集して、地球環境にやさしく、いのちが輝くような、そして、海とともに生きてきた「海洋国家・日本」にふさわしい未来を、大洋を臨む、ここ沖縄・久米島から創っていくことを宣言します。」 平成25年11月8日


IMG_5269This past week Kume Island hosted the Island Yuntaku, sponsored by the Cabinet Office of the Japanese Government. Yuntaku is a word from the local Okinawan Dialect meaning to come together for a chat. So the event was a kind of open forum on Island issues revolving around three sectors: Energy, Service, and Industry.

The event spanned two days and included locals from Kume Island, representatives from the Cabinet Ministry, The head of Ryukyu University and staff, representatives from the Okinawa Prefecture Government, Professor Ikegami of Saga University, and other interested parties.

IMG_5353The first day began with welcome speeches from various persons with a presentation by Prof. Ikegami on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion and its potential for the future on small islands and beyond. After the speeches, the attendees broke into three groups for a discussion on their chosen sector, moderated by representatives from Ryukyu University.

As I work with OTEC, I attended the Energy Sector chat. There various items were presented by key parties and then discussed. The Okinawan Government representative, Prof. Ikegami, and a representative of Kume Island spoke for brief periods. During the short breakout session, key questions were asked by both the moderator and other attendees. One of the attendees was asked to report during the following day’s symposium.

IMG_5306Later that evening, Councillor Babasaki from the General Ocean Policy Secretariat gave a talk on current and future ocean energy programs in Japan. Afterward there was a welcome party and further chance to talk.

The second day began in the afternoon and comprised a coming-together of the previous day’s breakout sessions, where representatives shared what was discussed and further presentations, questions, and discussions could be had in a larger forum.

カテゴリー: English, Japanese, News タグ: , , , , パーマリンク