Clean Energy in Kyushu 小浜・伊万里を視察しました

IMG_2626OTEC technology is has a great potential as a base load energy supplier, but its also important to keep up with advances in other renewable technologies that can work with OTEC to supply the full spectrum of future energy demand.

To this end the operating partners in OTEC Okinawa visited Kyushu recently to learn more about the Binary Power plant in Obama Town in Nagasaki Prefecture, visit Xenesys Inc.’s heat exchanger production and research facility, and view Saga University’s Institute of Ocean Energy.




Obama Onsen

IMG_2779The Unzen area of Nagasaki Prefecture has long been known for its many natural hot springs. In Obama there are many natural springs but most of the heat energy is lost. Currently, there is a Binary Power project underway to study the feasibility of using the naturally hot water to create power.

Binary Power technology is in many ways similar to the systems used for OTEC. Both rely on heat exchangers and a closed system of working fluid to drive a turbine. The project uses water not used by the spring owners to conduct its research which limits the amount of power it can produce, yet the facility is an important first step in proving the technology and learning about the difficulties and benefits of the technology.


At OTEC Okinawa, we too utilize the deep sea water not used by the other Deep Sea Water industries and research center already in place. Over the past year we’ve gained experience in operating OTEC facilities, obtained critical data for future designs, and helped the local economy by boosting tourism and interest in Kume Island‘s green initiatives.

It was great to see other areas of Japan researching and implementing the clean power production facilities of the future.







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