第12回 Sea Water Dream Festival








The 2018 Deep Seawater Festival on Kumejima took place June 24, from 10:00 to 15:00 at the Fureai-kan (Kumejima DSW Tourist Center) after being twice postponed due to typhoon. More than 200 people, from a wide variety of ages, participated this year.

This year there were many fun events including a Dance Performance, Eisa, prize drawings, and with utilization of Deep Seawater, a pool, flowing Mozuku, stamp rally, etc. Deep Seawater (DSW) related products (sea grapes, kuruma prawns, cosmetics, Bade Haus (spa) tickets, and vegetables grown with soil cooled from the cold energy of DSW) were displayed and sold. A variety of food using DSW was also available including grilled prawns and oysters, okinawa soba, curry, etc.

In addition to a variety of music and booths, tours of the Okinawa Deep Seawater Research Center, Sea Grape Farm, Oyster Research Facility, and OTEC Demonstration Facility were also given. For the first time, GOSEA also held an Energy Education area within the Okinawa Prefecture Deep Seawater Research Center main hall with a variety of hands-on learning opportunities. This area included a variety of hands-on power generation methods such as hand-cranked power generation, temperature difference power generation, lemon batteries, etc. In addition there were other power generation experiences including bicycle power generation a PET bottle wind turbine generation. In the working corner, participants were able to make their own bottle wind turbine and test it with a mini-generator and electrical sensing devices. About 75 children and parents participated in the variety of activities and quiz.
We hope to see you next year.

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OTEC Booth去る2017年12月3日(日)に久米島町で開催されました「第16回久米島町産業まつり」の海洋深層水関連展示ブースに、海洋温度差発電も出展しましたのでご報告いたします。



PICO OTEC Description




The 2017 Kumejima Industrial Festival took place December 3, 2017. While in the past the event has taken place at the Gushikawa Community Development Center, this year it was held at Kumejima’s Firefly Dome. The dome provided an expansive area for booths, displays, and shops, while outside, local restaurants hosted stalls with a variety of foods. Despite the rainy weather, hundreds of visitors and islanders attended.

In collaboration with the Okinawa Deep Seawater Research Center and Kumejima Town, we held a booth highlighting OTEC and Deep Seawater Use on Kumejima, including a variety of hand-held learning activities on power generation and renewable energy. Our PICO OTEC also made its debut at the local industry festival, providing visitors with an up-close introduction to OTEC.

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5th International OTEC Symposium

portThe 5th International OTEC Symposium took place on Reunion Island on November 7-9, 2017. This gathering follows the previous four in Hawaii, Malaysia, South Korea, and the Netherlands. Reunion Island is a French territory off Madagascar and hosts the Naval Energies and Technical University of Reunion’s OTEC prototype.

Attendees and presenters were indeed international, with France, South Korea, Malaysia, England, USA, Mexico, and Japan represented.

Presentations covered a wide variety of areas including the status of current OTEC projects, OTEC technology, and consideration of environmental impact. In addition, attendees were provided with a tour of the OTEC prototype, reception, and tour of the island.

OTEC Prototype

stageWhile there were too many presentations to go into detail here, one of the major trends is that there seems to be a consensus that small-scale onshore OTEC is the next step in OTEC development, with several projects moving forward. Japan, Naval Energies (previously DCNS), Bardot, KRISO (South Korea), and Bluerise(Netherlands) all noted ongoing projects, while several other groups are also studying the possibilities for their countries or markets. Benjamin Martin from OTEC Okinawa presented an “Overview of Potential for MW-Scale OTEC and DSW Use on Kumejima.

Another note of interest was that with the worldwide low in oil prices, many functional ships used in that industry are being mothballed or scrapped. It was noted by Mr. Martin Brown that such ships could provide a stepping stone in OTEC development.

Professor Yasuyuki Ikegami, of the Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga also announced that the 6th International OTEC Symposium will take place in Okinawa in 2018. We look forward to seeing you there.

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Saga and Kumejima Exchange Class: Ocean Energy and OTEC

On July 18, 2017 students from West Yamashiro in Imari City, Saga, and Nakazato Elementary from Kumejima, Okinawa, met online with Saga University’s Institute of Ocean Energy for an online class and discussion. Students from Imari attended at IOES, while students from Kumejima attended from the Okinawa Deep Seawater Research Center. Connected online, both groups received an introduction to Ocean Energy, including OTEC, from Professor Yasuyuki Ikegami, followed by discussions, questions, and introduction of both locals by the students. The collaboration took place as part of a cooperation agreement between Saga University, Imari city, and Kumejima Town.

More details are available in this article (JPN).

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8th Ocean Energy and Economic Development Symposium

This past June 23-24, Hawaii State and Hawaii County hosted the 8th Ocean Energy and Economic Development Symposium under the Okinawa Hawaii Clean Energy Partnership. Thirty-eight participants from Japan traveled to Kona for the two-day symposium focusing on Ocean Energy, including OTEC, Deep Seawater Use, Education, the Environment, and for the first time, Economic Development from the former.

As Kumejima and Kona’s NELHA host the only two fully-operational OTEC plants in the world, the annual meeting at these two locations provide a unique opportunity to learn and share among the variety of experienced operators and stakeholders. Specifics on the agenda and other related information can be found on the official website at http://okinawahawaii-oews.com/agenda8.html

We look forward to next year’s workshop here on Kumejima, tentatively scheduled for September 28 and 29, 2018.

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去る4月24日(月)、鶴保 庸介内閣府特命担当大臣が久米島を訪れました。沖縄県海洋深層水研究所、海洋温度差発電実証設備をはじめとする海洋深層水関連産業の他、久米島高校等も視察いただきました。



Cabinet Minister Yosuke Tsuruho Visits Kumejima

On April 24, Cabinet Minister of State for Okinawa and Northern Territories Affairs, Science and Technology Policy, etc. Yosuke Tsuruho, visited Kumejima. During his tour of Kumejima, he visited the Okinawa Deep Seawater Research Center and Okinawa OTEC Demonstration Facility in addition to Kumejima High School and other local facilities.

During his tour of ODRC, Director Shinichiro Kakuma, explained the facility and use of deep seawater in Okinawa. Professor Yasuyuki Ikegami of Saga University’s IOES explained the significance of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion demonstration and research.

The Minister and others attending the visit were an enthusiastic audience, and we were happy to receive a variety of questions relating to the activities on Kumejima.

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Green Power Kids Club Workshop at OIST

This past weekend, we traveled to the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST jp) to take part in a workshop for elementary students participating in the “Green Power Kids Club” organized by the Think the Earth Institute (jp) with sponsorship by the Green Power project. This program consists of four workshops culminating in presentations by the students at the Tokyo National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation.

The second workshop, which took place on January 14th highlighted the practical applications of renewable energy at OIST and in Okinawa through hands-on workshops with researchers at OIST. In addition to the various fields of research and demonstration proceeding at OIST, we were also invited to share Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) technology with the students in a 1 hour workshop. To this end, we brought the PICO OTEC mini demonstration model to OIST along with other power component demonstrators so that the students could see OTEC in action. Along with a brief presentation, students learned about various working fluids, the basics of turbines and power generation, and the benefits of having post OTEC deep seawater and surface seawater as a resource for industry.

We were encouraged to see elementary students with such an interest in science and renewable energy, and hope their interest continues to grow through this unique opportunity.

Photos courtesy of OIST, used with permission.

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Governor Ige of Hawaii Visits Kumejima

img_0567_1Every five years, Okinawa hosts people of Okinawan decent or relation at the Worldwide Uchinanchu Takiai, a chance for people from around the world to meet Okinawa as it is today, and learn about its history, culture, food, and more. This year, Governor of Hawai’i David Ige led a delegation from Hawai’i to attend the Okinawa Hawaii Cooperation Task Force Meetings and the International Environmental Energy Symposium from the Worldwide Viewpoints of Uchinanchus which took place alongside other Uchinanchu Taikai Events.

img_0591Within the busy schedule of their meetings with Okinawan and Japanese officials, the delegation also traveled to Kumejima to visit the OTEC facility and related deep seawater industries. With many similarities between location and culture, both Hawaii and Okinawa host the only fully operational OTEC facilities in the world. Within the framework of the Okinawa Hawaii Cooperation, there have been yearly workshops on Ocean Energy, however, there is growing potential for expanded cooperation amid the growing worldwide momentum in OTEC development.


Governor Ige’s recent visits to Makai Ocean Engineering’s OTEC Plant in Hawaii and his visit to Kumejima highlights the potential of OTEC to help Hawaii and other island communities meet their renewable energy goals. We hope the Governor found the information on ongoing projects here useful as a compliment to the work done at NELHA. Working together, Japan and the US may be able to accelerate the development of OTEC to commercial viability much faster than either location alone. A necessary and promising step towards ensuring locations around the world have access for renewable base-load power.

The Governor’s trip also coincided with Uchinanchu Taikai-related tours with 130 visitors from Hawaii traveling around the island and discovering the history and culture of Kumejima. Governor Ige was kind enough to provide remarks at the local Town Tourism Office which hosted a gathering of local shops, restaurants, and music for the visitors to gather and enjoy. Every year of cooperation highlights ever more similarities between Okinawa and Hawaii.


デビッド・イゲ ハワイ州知事による久米島視察

今年は、ウチナーンチュ大会関連イベントとして10月28日に開催された「国際環境エネルギーシンポジウム」及び10月31日に開催された「タスクフォースミーティング」に参加するため、デビッド・イゲ ハワイ州知事も来沖されました。





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第40回 沖縄の産業まつり特別展『海洋産業特別展』出展のご報告


久米島から持ち運んだ海洋温度差発電モデルでは、表層水と深層水をイメージした赤色の温水と青色の冷水を使って、低沸点の物質を蒸発、凝縮させることで、タービンが実際に回転する様子を見ていただきました。 3日間の来場者総数は24万人を超える盛況ぶりで、家族連れや企業の方など、多くの方に発電のしくみや久米島の取り組みの概要を説明することができました。 ご来場いただいた皆様、ありがとうございました。

40th Okinawa Industrial Festival


The 40th Okinawa Industry Festival Was held in Naha, Okinawa Prefecture on October 21 (Friday) to 23 (Sunday). This year, a special exhibition, the “marine industry special exhibition” showcased marine industrial activities throughout Okinawa Prefecture, including a stand from GOSEA at which we introduced Deep Seawater Use, OTEC, and the “Kumejima Model.” Staged in the Budokan stadium, the full range of Okinawan industries were showcased. Marine industries were further highlighted through a quiz rally that encouraged visitors to seek out information at a variety of booths in order to complete a quiz sheet.

dscn1561_1This event also marked the outside-Kumejima debut of our PICO OTEC model, a small scale OTEC demonstration unit that allows the general public to see inside the workings of an OTEC plant, including an operational turbine. The small model runs with the use of prepared hot and cold water.

Don’t forget that the International Environmental Energy Symposium will be taking place soon. Click the picture below for more information.

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