Seawater Dream Festival Overview

IMG_8225Every year Kume Island’s Deep Seawater Association hosts an event on the grounds of the Deep Seawater Fureaikan (Tourist Center) to highlight the many products produced with Deep Seawater. Last year, the festival marked the beginning of OTEC operations with a ceremony attended by dignitaries from Japan and around the world. This year, the DSW Research Institute as well as the OTEC facility were opened for tours, while tents and a stage was host to the many locals and visitors to the festival.

IMG_8234This year’s fest included sale-priced Deep Seawater items including Point Pyuru cosmetics, Sea Grapes, Kuruma Prawns, Massages from Bade Haus, and more. As with last year, one of the most popular attractions was the “Naga Mozuku.” At similar summer events, somen (a thin noodle) is often served by sending it along a long bamboo trough, allowing visitors to pick the somen out as it passes by. Instead of somen, the organizers sent mozuku along in deep seawater. Visitors could grab the passing mozuku and then dip it in a sweet and salty sauce.

IMG_8279Deep Seawater Salt and drinking water were also for sale, with participants able to boil the sea water into sea salt to take home in yachimun pottery.

In addition to food, several local groups performed including the Tunnaha Daiko group, Sanshin Nancle, and a group of Hula Dancers. In between stage activities, we at OTEC Okinawa hosted tours and quiz games with prizes. The young and young at heart were also able to learn about other renewable energy with the help of Doraemon!

We look forward to seeing you there next year!


6月15日(日)、久米島海洋深層水の日Sea Water Dream フェスティバルが開催されました。




また、今回特別に行われた沖縄県海洋深層水研究所 鹿熊信一郎所長による「サンゴが育む豊穣の海」と、佐賀大学海洋エネルギー研究センターの池上康之教授による「海洋エネルギーと久米島の未来」というテーマの講演では、海洋深層水のさらなる可能性と今後の未来像が示されました。


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久米島海洋深層水の日 Sea Water Dream フェス開催!


今年のイベントは、6月15日(日)午前10時~午後4時まで開催予定です。タイトルも海洋深層水の英語名Deep Sea Waterからヒントを得て、「Sea Water Dream フェスティバル」となっています。






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Visitors from Colombia and The Netherlands

Kumejima _ Ocean Thermal Uses (11)_1This past week a delegation from the Netherlands and Colombia came to Kume Island to see first hand the various industries that can partner with OTEC. Since the only byproduct from Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion is sea water, it makes sense to take advantage of this important resource.

In addition to the two delegates from Colombia, VP of Business Development for Bluerise, a researcher at Wageningen University, and a representative of the Netherlands Embassy in Japan came to visit. Bluerise, a Netherlands company with close ties to Delft University of Technology is developing several OTEC projects. They are especially involved in the Caribbean, where water and power are scarce and expensive to produce conventionally.

Kumejima _ Ocean Thermal Uses (38)_1In order to learn about some of the possible industries that can be developed with Deep Sea Water, the group toured most of the DSW industries here as well as OTEC Okinawa and Okinawa Deep Sea Water Research Institute. Since the delegation stayed for several days they had a chance to tour a majority of the local industries. One of the delegates from Colombia, a representative of the Governor of San Andres, enjoyed his first international trip on Kume Island. The other delegate was part of the research group from the National University of Colombia working with Bluerise to bring OTEC to Colombia.

Kumejima _ Ocean Thermal Uses (66)_1Some of the highlights of the trip included a chance to try raw Kuruma Prawns at Epoch Prawn Farm. The baby prawns are brought up in Deep Sea Water to keep them virus free before being transferred to larger farms. Kuruma Prawns are prized around Japan for their great taste and freshness, but are best when you can get them right out of the water.

Our visitors also had a chance to tour Water One, a branch of the larger Water One company in mainland Japan providing water from Mt. Fuji. This year-old company processes deep sea water into delicious drinking water that is delivered to homes in 12ltr bottles for home dispensers. Since the future of the Mt. Fuji supply is uncertain with the possibility of a volcanic eruption, the Kume Island company also acts as a backup water source, one which has a vastly larger potential supply.


Visitors from outside of Japan can visit our OTEC and DSW facilities with English or Japanese speaking guides. As a model for future OTEC compatible systems it can be an interesting and informative experience for those thinking about sustainable clean  power and industry for the future.

Current Industry Tours can include:

Plus, all of the great scenic and cultural sights on the island. We look forward to seeing you.

Note, all photos not including an OTEC Okinawa watermark are courtesy of Diego Acevedo at Bluerise. Used with permission.







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去る3月28日、 久米島町内で「海洋資源・エネルギー利活用推進会議」が行われました。これは、国が推進する「海洋再生可能エネルギー実証フィールド」に、沖縄県では久米島町が海洋温度差発電の適地として、3月に立候補したことを受けたものです。


本会議には、講師の佐賀大学海洋エネルギー研究センター副センター長 池上康之教授、ハワイ大学 ルイス・ベガ博士をはじめ、琉球大学副学長 仲座栄三教授、東京大学特任研究員 大内一之博士、在沖米国総領事館、内閣府沖縄総合事務局、沖縄県、久米島町、そして久米島内外の関連企業、漁協、商工会、観光協会、また沖縄電力久米島電業所の40名以上の方々が集まりました。




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昨年度(平成25年度)のOTEC実証設備 来場者数のご報告





IMG_3377_1With the beginning of the new financial year April 1 we thought we’d take the opportunity to look back on the last year at OTEC Okinawa. It was our first and an exciting time to meet the many visitors who came to see the world’s only fully operational OTEC facility.

Since the completion of the OTEC Facility we’ve had many interested parties visit from around the world. Last year, nearly 1600 people in around 300 groups toured the OTEC Demonstration Plant and Okinawa Deep Sea Water Research Institute. It was exciting to meet people from various places and discuss OTEC with them. We had a good mix of students, government officials, business people, and tourists come to see the plant.

We’ve also been happy to welcome many guests from outside Japan, with representatives from eight countries interested in either developing OTEC technology or examining the potential use in their waters. If you’re wondering about OTEC, come see it in action.

Throughout the year we worked hard to increase awareness of OTEC in Japan. Several television shows came to highlight the great potential OTEC has for powering the future, with the most widely watched being “Dream Maker,” which created a documentary about Saga University’s Professor Ikegami, a driving force behind OTEC in Japan. Many of our visitors made special trips to Kume Island just to see and learn about OTEC.

We look forward to welcoming new guests in the coming year. We have native English and Japanese staff available to show the demonstration facility and answer questions. We look forward to showing the potential of OTEC for the world.


Dr. Ikegami with Professor Luis Vega (center) at OTEC Okinawa

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視察では活発な質疑応答があり、また夜は食事を共にしながら熱く語りあいました。 (久米島名産かまぼこチップスがお気に入りでした。)


February 21, customers have come from Malaysia.

Introduction Vice President of Malaysia Institute of Technology, the Center of OTEC center, visited the Kume Island to visit this demonstration facility, people of that relationship, also visited facilities of sea grape and Kume Island Town Office.

Interest in OTEC of people in Malaysia is high, there was a lively question-and-answer session. In addition, while both the meal, talked hot at night. (Kamaboko specialty chips of Kume was like a favorite)

From near, the temperature difference is large seawater until the deep sea, Malaysia is one of the areas where OTEC is facing. The power generation technology, we hope that you fly to the world from Kume Island.

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Last month we welcomed visitors from the University of Technology Malaysia to the OTEC demonstration facility on Kume Island. Many countries in the South Pacific are uniquely well suited to OTEC as they have high populations near to deep-sea water while also having high surface sea water temperatures . Many of these countries also have large populations without power or clean drinking water.

OTEC may be the answer to solving many of these problems, and researchers at UTM are looking at ways to make OTEC viable for their people. During the trip, UTM signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Saga University, Japan’s leading OTEC research institution. Japan is happy to welcome visitors to experience the only fully operational OTEC facility in the world. Together we can work towards fully commercial OTEC plants to bring clean renewable power to more of the world.

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IOES Seminar


Check back soon for more information on related events happening on Kume Island March 28-29.  

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Visit to Saga University’s Institute of Ocean Energy  佐賀大学海洋エネルギー研究センター(IOES)訪問

IMG_2997OTEC Okinawa is the culmination of years of hard work and study in Japan. Though OTEC is not a new idea, as the only fully operational OTEC facility it is the leader in this new wave to harness power from the world’s oceans. Yet it is a Project That IS only Possible Due to the Continued work at Saga University’s Institute of Ocean Energy .

The Institute is housed at a satellite location along Imari bay in Saga Prefecture. In January, we visited IOES to learn more about the design and advisory arm of this project, and about OTEC development in general.



IMG_2951The Institute of Ocean Energy is a large complex hosting a variety of labs and projects. Many of the projects revolve around OTEC as the lead researchers work to increase the efficiency in every aspect of the OTEC system. To this end, the facility has a 30kw OTEC system in place. Of course, since the facility doesn’t have ready access to deep sea water the sea water used for experiments must be controlled externally. This allows researchers to test various equipment in a controlled environment before being placed out in the field.

IMG_2927IOES and Professor Ikegami in particular have focused on increasing the efficiency and reliability of heat exchangers in OTEC systems, testing various offerings from numerous companies. Now working closely with Xenesys Inc, they have put working designs into practice at OTEC Okinawa. Heat Exchangers can account for 1/4 the cost of a OTEC facility so finding the most efficient design is critical to the entire OTEC project. Many countries continue to develop heat exchange technology including projects taking place with our friends at NELHA.

IMG_2964In addition to the OTEC laboratory, IEOS contains several other ocean energy laboratories including the production of exciting new wave power technology that has been tested on small scales and is being scaled up to full size.

IOES also includes a Lithium Extraction Lab, Heat Exchanger Lab, Layered Ocean Flow Lab, Lecture Halls, and other research areas. If you’re interested in learning more about OTEC or clean energy research, it is definitely worth the visit.

About Visiting IOES

IMG_2986IOES Accepts Visitors from two o’clock to 4:00 on Wednesday and Thursday excepting National Holidays. To make an appointment email IOES .








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