Clean Energy in Kyushu 小浜・伊万里を視察しました

IMG_2626OTEC technology is has a great potential as a base load energy supplier, but its also important to keep up with advances in other renewable technologies that can work with OTEC to supply the full spectrum of future energy demand.

To this end the operating partners in OTEC Okinawa visited Kyushu recently to learn more about the Binary Power plant in Obama Town in Nagasaki Prefecture, visit Xenesys Inc.’s heat exchanger production and research facility, and view Saga University’s Institute of Ocean Energy.




Obama Onsen

IMG_2779The Unzen area of Nagasaki Prefecture has long been known for its many natural hot springs. In Obama there are many natural springs but most of the heat energy is lost. Currently, there is a Binary Power project underway to study the feasibility of using the naturally hot water to create power.

Binary Power technology is in many ways similar to the systems used for OTEC. Both rely on heat exchangers and a closed system of working fluid to drive a turbine. The project uses water not used by the spring owners to conduct its research which limits the amount of power it can produce, yet the facility is an important first step in proving the technology and learning about the difficulties and benefits of the technology.


At OTEC Okinawa, we too utilize the deep sea water not used by the other Deep Sea Water industries and research center already in place. Over the past year we’ve gained experience in operating OTEC facilities, obtained critical data for future designs, and helped the local economy by boosting tourism and interest in Kume Island‘s green initiatives.

It was great to see other areas of Japan researching and implementing the clean power production facilities of the future.







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Every year the Okinawa Deep Sea Water Research institute’s Cold Water Tank is inspected and cleaned. Pumps deep underground bring the water to the tank so that it can be more easily distributed to the many industries that use it. Since very small sea life or eggs can enter the tank, it is inspected and cleaned every year. The cold water tank is very easy to clean since the deep-sea water is mostly free of the sand, algae, and other contaminates found in surface water.

This year staff from the Churaumi Aquarium came to collect samples, a much easier method of studying deep-sea life than attempting to go there!

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This past week we had another visitor to the Deep Sea Water Research Institute. An 80cm (2.5 feet) fish made its way up the cold water intake pipe.

Though it looks much like an eel, this specimen is a Beach Conger. Due to the many small bones and high fat content, like other deep sea fish is not much good for eating. What will come visit next?



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Happy New Years




Happy New Years!

As we begin a new year here in Japan we wish you all the best. We’re looking forward to an exciting year working on OTEC. Our goal is to provide data to improve future OTEC facilities and also demonstrate the technology to the world. We hope to meet many of you this year on Kume Island.

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久米島 全島無料公衆無線Wi-Fiスタート!



IMG_7539_1このITCの活用によって、町民の暮らしがどう変わるのか、どのような利用方法があるのかなどについて、国際大学GLOCOMの境 真良客員研究員による講演や、平良 朝幸町長による紹介がありました。




IMG_7608_1On December 19, 2013 several companies from around Japan came together on Kumejima for an Information and Communication Technology (ITC) seminar. The event was held at the Gushikawa Community Center on the West side of Kume Island. Locals, the press, and special guests were invited to come and learn about some of the exciting upcoming projects on Kume Island, and to celebrate the launch of Kume Island’s island-wide WiFi network.

IMG_7508_1Starting this month, 95% of Kume Island’s populated areas will be served by a free public WiFi network. This network, the first of its kind, is designed to help foster communication among the community and act as the infrastructure for a slew of new technologies including elderly care and communication, shopping, tourism, and more.

One of the major technologies to pair with the WiFi network is a new application for smartphones that will allow tourists to get more information about Kume Island locals as well as get discounts at island shops and restaurants when they visit places around the island. In addition, the application provides emergency information and maps to help facilitate tourist’s explorations of the island. The application is available free on iOS and android.


Parliamentarian Shimajiri Aiko attended the seminar to voice her support of Kume Island’s projects and goal of becoming a “Smart Island.” Kumejima plans to be energy self sufficient by 2020 and so is fostering technological development and research on the island.

Another project set to launch next year, a self-driving electric car experiment, should also help to solidify Kume Island’s growing reputation as a technology test center. Kume Island has already been the home of the world’s only operational OTEC facility for eight months. These new projects show a potential future use for the electricity created with larger scale OTEC plants. It is hoped that OTEC could be the power provider for a set of future electric or hydrogen powered cars that could operate without drivers, an item that could be beneficial for Japan’s elderly populations, or for tourists who would not be able to drive themselves.

The ITC seminar was a great chance for locals to learn more about the projects Kume Island is pursuing and an important first step on the road to Kumejima, Smart Island.

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IMG_2117久米島高校 園芸科 2年の糸数です。今日は、就業体験の一環として海洋深層水研究所と海洋温度差発電実証設備で、見学と勉強をさせてもらいました。



IMG_2121_1久米島高校 普通科 2年の宇江城です。今日は、就業体験の一環として、海洋深層水研究所と海洋温度差発電実証設備で見学と勉強をさせてもらいました。



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Our blog was stolen! Sort of- Not Really. Every year second year students from Kume Island High School spend three days interning at workplaces around the island to begin building hands-on experience before graduation and their entrance into the workforce or college. It is a great opportunity for them to “try before they buy.”

This year two students interested in Deep Sea water industries interned at the Okinawa Deep Sea Water Research Institute. Both spent one of their three days working with us at the OTEC facility. The students joined us in our usual jobs throughout the day and we asked them to take some photos and share a bit of their experience with the world above.

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記事リンク先 → 沖縄タイムス 「深層水で発電実験 世界に先駆け 久米島町」

フェアの案内 →久米島町HP

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見学はお問合せから予約できます。無料でガイド付き、所要時間は30分~1時間程度。見学受付は平日の9:00~17:00(休日の場合は要相談)。個人でも団体でも可。連絡はこちら(098-896-8655:沖縄県海洋深層水研究所内 ヒビノ)まで。

Since April of 2013 the Okinawa Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Demonstration Facility has had a wide variety of visitors interested in experiencing the reality of harnessing power from the ocean. Just a few days ago we celebrated our 1,000th visitor.

Construction began on the facility in January of this year and was completed in March, with an initialization ceremony on June 16th. We began our broader outreach and facility tours in August.

The thousandth person was part of a group tour from the Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers along with  Marine Engineering Research Council of the Marine Environment Institute. We would like to thank all who have come to visit so far and invite you to come see and touch the world’s only fully operational OTEC facility.

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This past month Kume Island celebrated closer ties to its sister city through the first high school exchange to Kume Island.  This summer, three Kume Island High School students visited Hawaii County to explore the United States and build new ties.

This November three students from Konawaena High School came to Kume Island to reciprocate the exchange of culture and ideas. As part of their time here, the three participating students came to the Okinawa Prefecture Deep Sea Water Research Institute to learn about Deep Sea Water use in Japan and to learn about the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Demonstration Facility. Since the students were learning Japanese but not yet fluent, our staff was able to present OTEC and the facility to them in English.

We hope to continue this tradition of sharing in the years to come.


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